The Christian life is a life-long journey. Finishing your journey will require daily, consistent growth.
Bay Are Baptist is a church community...a family where people can be less than perfect. We don't claim to know all the answers, but we know the One Who does have the answers. Having a strong, rooted relationship with Jesus is how the church remains strong and healthy.​
Each member of the church family should strive to be spiritually healthy and active in their growth as a Christian. The church is a place for healing, encouragement, and learning. The Church is a catalyst for people to fulfill the commission of Jesus Christ, to go into all the world and reach people with the truth of eternal life.
If you are wanting to take your spiritual growth seriously, we encourage you to do one or all of the following:

The Word of God • Knowing God • Who is Jesus? • Your Salvation • Developing a Prayer Life • Your Relationship with God's Word • The Holy Spirit • The Life of a Disciple • The Local Church • Your Place in Your Church Family • Financial Stewardship • Go and Tell the Good News • Living in Light of Eternity • Continue

This Discipleship Program is for anyone that wants to grow deeper in their faith. Featuring fourteen lessons that cover key Bible doctrines and personal applications, Continue is perfect for helping you become grounded in God's Word and develop a growing walk with Christ.
Each lesson includes a straightforward outline with thorough support Scriptures and is written so anyone can easily teach. Each week includes daily devotions to encourage you to develop the habit of getting into God's Word daily. ​

After Jesus rose from the grave, He left His followers with a simple command: “Go into all the world and make disciples” (see Matt. 28:19). The church should be known for this. If we are going to call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ, we should be making disciples.
But most Christians today are not known for making disciples. We have developed a culture where a minister ministers and the rest of us sit back and enjoy “church” from a comfortable distance. This is not what God intends for His church. Every Christian is called by God to minister. You are called to make disciples.
Multiply is designed as a simple resource that you can use to begin making disciples. Our prayer is that it will give you the confidence you need to step out in faith and disciple the people whom God has placed in your life.

What is a Disciple?
The Command to Make Disciples
The Heart of a Disciple Maker
Life in the Church
The Local Church
The Global Church
Why Study the Bible?
Studying the Bible Prayerfully and Obediently
Studying Logically
Understanding the Old Testament
Understanding the New Testament
Where do we go from here?